Can You Freeze Mincemeat? – Process of Freezing Mincemeat – How to Defrost Mincemeat?

Can You Freeze Mincemeat? Wondering what to make for the grand Christmas feast? Craving some meat and sugary treats at the same time? If you can relate to any of these situations, then mincemeat is probably one of the best things that can satisfy all your cravings and serve as a perfect ingredient for your feast’s dishes.

For those who don’t know, mincemeat is basically a piece of meat that has been chopped very minutely. In this article, we will be telling you everything that you need to know about freezing and storing mincemeat while allowing options for refreezing and thawing as well.

Can You Freeze Mincemeat

Can You Freeze Mincemeat?

Yes, definitely! Mincemeat can be easily frozen, refrozen, and thawed thereafter. Depending on whether you have cooked it or not, you can store it in the freezer accordingly. If it’s raw, then simply transfer it to an airtight container and leave it in the freezer. On the other hand, if you have already cooked it, then just allow it to cool down and then freeze it.

What Is The Shelf Life Of Mincemeat?

The exact shelf life of mincemeat depends on a plethora of factors like the quality of its storage containers, the temperature of the surrounding, and the number of times it has been frozen and thawed. If you have stored your mincemeat extremely well in the freezer, then you can expect it to have a shelf life as given below.

Type of MincemeatAt the room temperatureIn the RefrigeratorIn the Freezer
Uncanned/ Homemade MincemeatUp to 15 daysAt least 4 months
Canned Mincemeat1-2 daysAt most a week3-4 months

‘-‘ means that it isn’t supposed to be stored there.

How To Freeze Mincemeat?

Now that you have finally convinced yourself to make that long overdue mincemeat pie, it is time that you bring out your best variety of mincemeat. But what if your cherished mincemeat gets spoiled even before you can use it because of not freezing it properly? To save you from such heartbreaking situations, we will be telling you sure-shot ways of storing your mincemeat properly in the freezer.

Simply follow these methods and rest assured, your mincemeat will last a long time.

  1. Unless you plan on using up all your stock of mincemeat within a few days, avoid leaving it at the kitchen counter or in the refrigerator.
  2. If you haven’t opened up your mincemeat cans, then you can directly place them in the freezer for a long time. Just make sure that you don’t consume mincemeat past its expiration date.
  3. Lastly, if you have already opened up those cans, then it is advisable that you transfer all of the meat into a glass bowl. Now, cover that bowl with a thin plastic wrapping paper and make sure that you seal the bowl completely. No traces of air must be present inside it.
  4. Just leave this bowl in the freezer with a proper marking as to when you stored it and how long it will last.

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Tips For Freezing Mincemeat

Despite freezing mincemeat methodically, you may still end up with spoiled meat. To avoid little mistakes that may lead to such huge consequences, we will be telling you a couple of extra pointers that you must remember if you wish to freeze your mincemeat nicely.

  • Whenever you use a can to store mincemeat, make sure that it isn’t made of harmful chemicals that might react with meat and contaminate it.
  • Whenever you are sealing the bowl that contains mincemeat, make sure that you have removed as much air as possible from it.
  • After all, any contact with the atmosphere may lead to rapid deterioration and turn the meat rancid.
  • Lastly, make sure that you have appropriately labeled all your bowls so that you get an idea about their leftover shelf life whenever you use them.

Does Mincemeat Freeze Well?

Undoubtedly Yes! Mincemeat freezes extremely well and lasts at least 4 months in the freezer. However, you need to make sure that the container, in which mincemeat is being stored, shouldn’t have a metal that reacts with it. This is because it leads to the generation of poisonous substances in mincemeat, thereby leading to untimely spoilage.

Is It Possible To Refreeze Mincemeat?

Sure, You can refreeze mincemeat as easily as you freeze and thaw it. After you are done using it in your recipe, simply take all the leftovers and transfer them to a bowl, preferably a glass bowl. Now cover it with a plastic sheet so that all the air is pushed out. Lastly, place this sealed bowl in the freezer. In contrast, thawed mincemeat pies can be tricky to refreeze but can be done the right way if you have already preserved the filling.

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How To Thaw Frozen Mincemeat?

Now that we have discussed extensively freezing and refreezing mincemeat, it’s time that we address the requirements for thawing it as well. Thawing, as the name suggests, is a process wherein meat is turned soft over time. When done gradually, you will have a better chance of refreezing the leftovers properly than thawing it quickly.

Some methods that you can follow for thawing mincemeat are-

  1. The best way to soften up meat is to leave it in the refrigerator overnight. However, don’t remove the sealing papers from the bowl.
  2. If you are in a hurry to use mincemeat, simply heat it a little in the microwave oven. Avoid absolutely cooking it in the oven as it may turn irreversibly brown.
  3. Lastly, avoid using frozen meat directly in your cooking as it might spoil your dish’s texture.

FAQs on Can You Freeze Mincemeat

1. Can you freeze mincemeat cookies?

Yes, absolutely! Not only is mincemeat good at being frozen, but it can also be refrozen in the freezer. All you need to do is put it in a glass bowl and seal it properly to remove all traces of air. Now put it away in the freezer.

2. Can you freeze homemade mincemeat?

Sure, You can freeze homemade mincemeat in airtight cans that can then be placed in the freezer. However, make sure that you don’t store mincemeat like this for long as the metal, of which the can is made, reacts with meat to produce poisonous substances.

3. Can you freeze mincemeat once cooked?

Yes, You sure can! Although cooked mincemeat tends to last less than raw one, it can still be stored in airtight containers in the freezer. However, it can lose most of its texture if refrozen. So, once thawed, try to use it up completely.

Final Thoughts

We hope that this article helped you out with everything concerning storing mincemeat, be it cooked or raw, in the freezer for a very long time. Although these freezing tips can be helpful, it is important to remember that it’s never size fits all approach. After all, mincemeat is so popular that it is part of basically every Christmas dish.

So, if you are about to freeze mincemeat pies, then you would have to go for another strategy. Lastly, check out the website if you wish to learn about articles like Can You Freeze Guavas and how to freeze more of your favorite food items and beverages.

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