Can You Freeze Buttermilk? – How To Freeze Buttermilk & For How Long?

Can You Freeze Buttermilk?: Do you have the leftover buttermilk with you and decided to throw it out? Don’t do that, just freeze the buttermilk and use it for your favorite recipes. Buttermilk will be used to bring tangy creaminess to the dish. Most people do not know that you can freeze the buttermilk and use it for later. And if you do not know how long it will last and how to freeze it and many more just check out our article, as we are going to discuss all the information like whether can you freeze buttermilk or not, how long it should be stored, how to defrost the buttermilk and many more.

By knowing all this information, you no need to use any buttermilk substitutes in place of buttermilk, you can directly defrost the buttermilk and use it. Read on to know more!!

Can You Freeze Buttermilk

Can You Freeze Buttermilk?

Yes, you can freeze buttermilk, but there will be some change in texture and taste compared to a fresh one and also buttermilk will have separation. Freezing buttermilk will be good for cooking or baking dishes. Drinking after freezing them is not a good idea. You can freeze the butter for upto 2 weeks, once it is frozen you can use it for 3 months.

How To Freeze Buttermilk?

When you think to freeze the buttermilk you need to make sure that the buttermilk is perfectly good to use. If you taste sour or smell bad, just discard the buttermilk then freeze it. And to freeze the buttermilk we have two ways. Let us illustrate those two methods below.

Store Buttermilk as Cubes

We will see how to store the buttermilk as cubes.

  • Just take buttermilk and start filling the buttermilk in the ice cube trays.
  • You can measure the buttermilk and pour it into an ice cube tray to know how much buttermilk makes and how many cubes.
  • Then keep in the freezer for a few hours until the buttermilk freezes.
  • After that transfer the cubes into the freezer bag.
  • And remove the air and seal the bag tightly.
  • If you like you can label the bag with the name, and date.

Store Buttermilk in Freezer Bags

Check the process to store the buttermilk in the freezer bag and it is very easy to store than storing cubes.

  • You can also measure the buttermilk before pouring them into freezer bags.
  • Just check the freezer bag as it is good or not.
  • And then, just pour the buttermilk into the freezer bag.
  • Then, seal tightly by removing the excess air in the bag.
  • Leave some head space in the bag as the buttermilk will expand when frozen.
  • You can keep the bags in the freezer by keeping the cookie sheet.
  • Label the name and date if you want as it is optional.

Store Buttermilk in Containers

If you would have much space in the freezer and if you do not have freezer bags there is a way to freeze the buttermilk in the containers, let us look into the process below.

  • Just measure the buttermilk as it will be useful when you are using it for cooking and baking.
  • Then, pour the measured buttermilk into the air-tight container and seal it tightly.
  • After that keep it in the container.

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Can You Freeze Buttermilk

How To Defrost Buttermilk?

Thawing / defrosting buttermilk is very easy. You can just leave it overnight in the refrigerator. If you forgot to thaw them last night and you want them immediately you can just keep them in the microwave or if you do not have a microwave you can place the frozen buttermilk in the sealed sandwich bag and submerge in the hot water. Once after thawing the buttermilk before using it make sure to thaw it as it will be separated a bit.

How Long Does Buttermilk Last?

If the buttermilk is once frozen in the freezer it will last upto 3 months. So, freezing the leftover buttermilk is the best way to store it. But before freezing the buttermilk just you need to check whether it is good to use or not. Because if you freeze the expired or bad buttermilk there will be no use in freezing them. Freezing the buttermilk will help you to avoid food waste and save time and money. But use it before it expires.

Can You Freeze Buttermilk

Can You Freeze Buttermilk 1

Milk Solids, Water, Sugar & Stabilizer (INS 440)

Nutritional Information

NutrientsPer 100 g*
Energy100.6 kcal
Protein2.3 g
Carbohydrate15.2 g
Added Sugar11.8 g
Fat3.4 g

*Approximate Values

How To Use Frozen Buttermilk?

If the buttermilk is kept in the freezer you can use that frozen buttermilk for cooking and baking. As it will be of good taste to drink. It will be good for baking dishes and for marinating meat as it will make the meat tender and juicy. You can use the defrosted buttermilk in making pancakes, muffins, soups, stews, and mashed potatoes.

Can You Refreeze Buttermilk?

No, not only buttermilk, we do not recommend or encourage any food item to refreeze it. Once the buttermilk is thawed use how much you need and throw the leftover buttermilk. If you want to use how much you need, the best method is to store it in cubes. So that you can thaw how many you need and keep the remaining in the freezer itself or you can use the buttermilk that is thawed in the baking and store the baking goods in the freezer.

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FAQs on Can Buttermilk Be Frozen

1. Can you freeze buttermilk in its original carton?

Yes, you can freeze the buttermilk in a carton, and make sure the buttermilk until it is full as buttermilk expands once it is frozen. Just open the buttermilk carton and drink some of them and keep it in the freezer.

2. Does stirring fix separated defrosted buttermilk?

No, once after thawing the buttermilk if you whisk it or stir it the buttermilk will not come to its original state. So, it will be good to use in cooked and baked dishes rather than drinking.

3. Why do you need to freeze buttermilk?

If you freeze the buttermilk, it will help us to avoid food wastage, and save time and money. Freezing buttermilk or any other food ingredients will help us to use it even after expiry as it will extend the shelf life of the product without spoiling. But use it before expiry.

Key Upshots

Hope that the information that was given on the concept can you freeze buttermilk, is useful and beneficial for you not to waste the buttermilk. When you are about to freeze the buttermilk keep in mind that it will change its texture and taste. Still need any clarification about freezing the buttermilk you can comment to us in the comment section. Bookmark our site for the latest updates.

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