Can You Freeze Whiskey? – How Long Can You Keep Whiskey In The Freezer? – Tips for Freezing Whiskey

Can You Freeze Whiskey?: Has there been any bar that has served all types of ethanol-based alcohol except whiskey? Probably not! Whiskey is a complex drink that has several flavors and aromas mixed together to get that perfect profile.

If you are one of those whiskey enthusiasts, then you must like your whiskey in its original taste only. There are also several concerns and myths about storing whiskey in the freezer. Thus, via this article, we will be busting those myths and telling you whether you should freeze your whiskey or not. Let’s discover more about freezing whiskey!

Can You Freeze Whiskey

Can You Freeze Whiskey?

Technically speaking, Yes! You can freeze whiskey to the point that it turns into a chilled drink, thereby eradicating the need for adding ice cubes. However, it cannot be frozen into a popsicle as it would require industry-level refrigerators. On the other hand, if you are comparatively new to alcohol, then you may like a moderated flavor drink or would want to avoid feeling overwhelmed by whiskey, then also freezing it is a good option.

In contrast, if you are a whiskey enthusiast, then you would cherish its taste more than anything else. In such scenarios, absolutely avoid putting it away in the freezer. It spoils the natural taste of whiskey as it affects the alcohol in it.

How Long Does Frozen Whiskey Last?

Depending on a multitude of factors like its ingredients, the number of preservatives in it, and the storage temperature at your house, the shelf life of whiskey can vary accordingly.

If the bottle hasn’t been opened yet and is stored properly without causing any damage to the cork, then it will last even more than you. So, you should ditch all your worries surrounding frozen whiskey because it lasts a long time. However, refer to this table for more estimated ideas about shelf life.

Type Of WhiskeyIn The CellarIn The RefrigeratorIn The Freezer
Unopened Bottle of WhiskeyUp to 6 months3-4 monthsNot less than a few years
Opened Bottle of WhiskeyUp to 2 monthsAt Least 6 months

‘-’ means that whiskey isn’t meant to be stored there.

How Can You Freeze Whiskey?

Bought a big and expensive batch of whiskey and worried about storing it till your next big party? There is a high chance that your response will be something that revolves around freezing whiskey for good. Well, STOP right there! Freezing whiskey is only an effective option that depends on the amount of ethanol and complex flavors in it. So, read through this section and discover whether freezing is the right thing to do or not in your case.

  1. If you haven’t opened that bottle of whiskey, be it from a mediocre brand or a premium quality one, then you can comfortably leave it in the kitchen pantry or the wine cellar. As long as it isn’t exposed to direct sunlight that may catalyze oxidation, you are good to go.
  2. In the scenario of unopened bottles, you should resort to freezing only if you wish to serve extremely chilled drinks.
  3. On the other hand, if the bottle has already been opened, then you should consider freezing it as opened bottles lose flavor and alcohol strength over time. Moreover, screwing back the cork properly is also important as it cuts back on exposure to oxygen.
  4. Lastly, if you have actually spent quite some bucks and bought for yourself an expensive premium quality whiskey, then you should refrain from freezing it. It will rob whiskey of all its natural strength, flavor, and aroma. Just leave it in the refrigerator and use it within a few months.

Check Out:

Tips & Tricks About Freezing Whiskey

If you have spent a lot of money on buying your favorite branded whiskey, then you would hate to spoil even a drop of it. So, it doesn’t make sense to risk the authenticity of the whole bottle and its contents just by being a little lazy with its handling. Read through this section and figure out what else you need to remember while freezing your cherished bottle of whiskey.

  • When it comes to high-quality whiskey, avoid freezing it as it reduces the strength of alcohol in it while simultaneously affecting its taste and fragrance. Rather go for refrigeration. You can also add ice cubes or chilled water to dilute it a bit.
  • In contrast, if you are new to drinking and alcohol consumption, you should rather consume chilled drinks only. They will overwhelm you less as compared to unfrozen ones.
  • If you have bought a mediocre brand of whiskey, then it’s fine if you freeze it as it inherently lacks taste. Just avoid spoiling the cork by extensive exposure.
  • Lastly, if you have a certain dislike towards its taste, then also you may freeze it. If it is already frozen, then leave it out on the kitchen counter for a few minutes before serving.

Shall Whiskey Be Served Frozen?

It completely depends on how you prefer your alcohol. If you are a whiskey enthusiast, then we cannot emphasize it enough, avoid completely freezing it. Rather add ice cubes or chilled water to your drinks to get that cold feel.

On the other hand, if you aren’t experienced in the domain of whiskey, then you may either feel overwhelmed by its effect or would absolutely hate its taste. In any of such situations, freezing can rescue you. Freezing a bottle of whiskey can subdue its taste and decrease its alcohol content.

Lastly, if you have already opened that bottle, then it is better if you refrigerate it rather than freezing. This helps prevent useless exposure to the atmosphere that may lead to early deterioration.

Does Whiskey Freeze Well?

Undoubtedly, Yes! Since whiskey is a complex drink, you cannot freeze it to ice cubes within your normal temperature range inside the freezer. So, it doesn’t matter how long you leave it in either of your refrigerator or freezer, it will remain a chilled drink only.

Moreover, it is quite advisable that first-time drinkers consume only chilled whiskey as its bitter taste is subdued and it gets less overwhelming for them. Lastly, if you wish to avoid the hassle of putting in ice cubes for each guest, chilling that bottle of whiskey is a good option. However, not every type of whiskey is meant to be frozen. Just because it freezes well doesn’t mean it won’t lose its taste over time.

Get acquainted with drinks like eggnog and its freezing process by referring to our quick guide on Can You Freeze Eggnog and clear your doubts.

Is It Possible To Refreeze Whiskey?

Yes, absolutely! If the whiskey has been sealed properly and put away in a good environment, it will probably last more than you do. Furthermore, even opened whiskey bottles stay fresh and consumable for at least 2 months. So, if you have opened a new batch of whiskey for your guests, then worry not.

You can open, unfreeze, and refreeze your whiskey as many times as you wish. Just make sure that it isn’t exposed to the atmosphere for a prolonged period as it can get oxidized and lose its natural flavor profile.

FAQs On Freezing Whiskey

1. Can you freeze whiskey sauce?

Absolutely! If you can freeze whiskey itself, then you can securely freeze whiskey sauce too. Since you will be less worried about alcohol concentration and viscosity in the case of whiskey sauce, you can either put it in the refrigerator or in the freezer. However, make sure that whenever you open it, just close its lid tightly after use. It prevents untimely spoilage.

2. Can you freeze whiskey cake?

Sure! Freezing whiskey cakes is a necessity rather than an option as it tends to go bad pretty fast. So, freeze as soon as you are done making it or opening it. You will realize that freezing whiskey cake is quite worth it as it will last longer than you can imagine. Just cover it well in an airtight container and place it in the freezer.

3. Should you put whiskey in the fridge or freezer?

Well, it depends on the amount of ethanol in your whiskey, whether you are new to alcohol or not, and the brand of whiskey. If you are a whiskey enthusiast, then you should keep it in the refrigerator whereas if you haven’t consumed whiskey before, then absolutely leave it in the freezer.

Final Thoughts

Whiskey is a complex drink, similar to other alcohol-based products like vodka and beer. To enjoy it to its fullest, you must store it in a way that maintains its flavor and aroma profiles. Hopefully, this article helped you out with every aspect of handling frozen whiskey. Bookmark our site for more interesting content on drinks like kombucha and articles like Can you Freeze Kombucha in no time.

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