Can You Freeze Meringue? – Step-by-Step Guide: Freezing Meringue for Later Use

Can You Freeze Meringue?: Meringue is a shiny white mixture of sugar and egg white which is used as a versatile component for various pastries and desserts. Surprisingly, you do not have to work hard every time to make some fantastic meringue. It is because you can now freeze meringue all on your own.

It is very important to note that the texture of the meringue should be proper enough. In this article, we will be discussing the freezing conventions for meringue from A to Z. Check out the complete article to know better.

Can You Freeze Meringue

Can You Freeze Meringue?

Yes, you can freeze meringue for 1 to 2 months without any issues. There are a total of three variations in preparing meringue—Italian, French, and Swiss. Advantageously, we will provide a detailed description of freezing all these three types of meringue for you.

Steps On How To Freeze Italian Meringue?

Well, the process for freezing meringue for all of its types isn’t distinct, but yes, the thin line differentiates all of them. First, let us check out how to freeze Italian meringue here.

Below are the steps to be followed for freezing Italian meringue:

Freezing Italian meringue is a little easier than the rest of the types. You do not need to color them because you will be using them for decorating tarts and other desserts. To add color to your meringue, you can blow torch it.

  • First of all, cool down the meringue mixture well so that the temperature drops down to room temperature.
  • Freezing the meringue mixture when it is warm will cause moisture inside the packaging, and that will disturb its taste and texture later.
  • Secondly, portion up the mixture and take a good quality airtight bag for freezing the portions of meringue.
  • Make sure that you seal the bag well so that there is no extra moisture inside the bag.
  • For the final step, put a nice label in the bag and freeze it.

Just following these simple three steps will help you to freeze meringue for a month.

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How to Freeze French Meringue

French meringue is the most common type of meringue that people choose to have and prepare. This meringue turns out to be super crisp from the outside and airy from the inside. Let us check out the process for freezing French meringue below.

  • After cooling it down, use a cling film as a layer on the tray for French meringue. Place the room-temperature meringue mixture on it and spread it well.
  • Now, place the tray into the freezer for a few hours till the meringue turns out to be super solid and frozen.
  • Take some greaseproof paper and some airtight containers. Portion up the meringue from the tray and place them in the containers. This step will help in saving extra space in the freezer.
  • The greaseproof paper will restrict the meringues from sticking to each other.
  • Seal the top of the airtight containers well before placing them into the freezer, and enjoy tasty meringue for months.

About Freezing Swiss Meringue

Swiss meringue falls between both French and Italian meringue. This meringue recipe differs in a way that sugar in Swiss meringue is used with egg whites and then heated till it turns into a perfect foamy texture.

You can use any of the above-mentioned methods for freezing Swiss meringue. Make sure that the mixture is smooth and glossy before you freeze it.

Tips To Freeze Meringue

Let us now check into some of the interesting tips for freezing meringue. Check the tips below:

  • While freezing, use a fresh mixture that is not extended for long hours at room temperature. If you do so, the mixture will turn rigid and dense, which will end up giving you a rocky meringue when you thaw it after being frozen.
  • One of the important tips for freezing meringue is to allow the mixture to cool down to room temperature because not doing that will form ice crystals while freezing. The formation of ice crystals means there will be freezer burn issues.
  • Use plastic or parchment paper while placing the portions of meringue in the airtight containers to prevent them from sticking to each other. It will also help in retaining the shape of the meringues in good condition.

How Long Can You Freeze Meringue?

If you are making meringue all by yourself, with the basic ingredients, you can freeze them for 1 to 2 months. Try to use up all the frozen meringue within a month to get the freshness and perfect texture of it.

Meringue, when kept longer than 2 months, will cause a bad odor and will change its taste and texture. These delicate dessert toppings are airy from the inside and flaky from the outside, so it is important to use them within the proper period.

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How to Thaw Meringues?

The thawing process for meringue is simple; you can simply keep the meringue to defrost overnight in the freezer. The day you want to have your meringues take them out of the fridge and then keep them at room temperature for about 2 to 3 hours. This step will help in having smooth and tasty meringues.

In case you want to have something warm, most of you might like to have sticky warm meringues; in such a case, directly take out some frozen meringues and warm them up in the microwave.

Is It Possible to Freeze Meringues Twice?

No, it is not recommended to freeze meringue more than once. Every time you freeze meringue, it will introduce moisture in it. So, it is highly recommended to avoid freezing meringue.

If you do not want to waste extra meringues, make sure you keep them in airtight containers in the normal fridge for a day and use them up. Moreover, you can also avoid wastage by thawing only those portions of meringues that you need for a particular time.

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FAQs On Freezing Meringue

1. Can you use frozen egg whites in preparing meringues?

Yes, frozen egg whites could be used for making meringues, for sure. Make sure you thaw the frozen egg whites well before making meringues.

2. How many days can you store leftover meringues?

If you have some meringues left over, you can use them for two days when stored in an airtight container in the fridge.

3. How long do meringues last in the fridge?

Meringues last in the fridge for two weeks if it stored properly with a tight seal. You can keep it for cooling on the cooling rack or trays.

Key Takeaways

The meringue freezing process might seem to be tricky and confusing, but if you have read the steps above properly, then it will surely be easy for you to freeze meringue. Make sure you take note of this as well to have a nice outcome of frozen meringue.

If you want to know more about freezer-friendly recipes, do subscribe to our official website and follow it for other such freezing and storing techniques.

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